Pack Meeting Guidelines
Pack Meeting Guidelines
A portion of every Pack meeting is used to publicly recognize Scouts for their achievements throughout the month. Our scouts work very hard to earn these awards and should be recognized by the Pack as such. We try to get through the award ceremonies as quickly as possible without diminishing the recognition the youth deserve. Another portion of the meeting is used to allow the scouts to have fun that that will allow them to get up and move around.
In order to accomplish all that needs to take place during a Pack meeting, we have guidelines for the Pack to follow - both scouts and all family members - so that we can move the meeting along. Our goal is to complete most Pack meetings in about an hour.
The guidelines that have been established for our Pack over the years are as follows
- Scouts and all family members should remain quiet during the awards and announcements. We use the scout sign to maintain order so that we can keep the Pack meeting on task. Please set the example for scouts and siblings around you: when the sign is displayed it is a time to be quiet. Every scout will earn an award at one Pack meeting or another. Those receiving the awards deserve the respect of the entire Pack so that they may be properly recognized. After a den has received their awards, we encourage all present to participate in the recognition activity (i.e., applause, cheer, etc.). The award ceremonies should not be a time for socialization.
- An adult must accompany their cub scout to all Pack family events. Pack Meetings are considered Pack family events.
- Please be on time. Pack meetings typically start at 6:30 pm with an opening ceremony. Please arrive early enough so as not to disrupt the ceremony. If you do arrive late, please enter the hall quietly.
- Scouts should be in Field Uniform (Class A) for pack meetings. The class A uniform consists of a scout shirt, neckerchief and slide and belt. The Cubmaster likes seeing the shirts neatly tucked in!
- Children (scouts or siblings) are not allowed outside of the area the Pack meeting is taking place. A parent or adult must accompany children outside of the meeting area.
- Siblings that attend must be seated with the parent unless they are invited to take part of the fun-time portion of the meeting. It is very acceptable to bring along a quiet activity for the scout's siblings to do during the Pack meeting.
- Parents are responsible for disciplining their scout and other siblings. This is not the leader’s responsibility as they are there for their own children.
- Respect must be shown during the fun-time portion of the Pack meeting. We want the boys to have fun during this time, but we also want them to be safe. Horseplay will not be tolerated; this includes running.
Following these basic guidelines will allow everyone to have fun and finish the meetings on time. I would like our pack to be well known for having well-behaved scouts. This doesn’t happen by accident – it happens by establishing expectations and living them on a regular basis. Help our Pack live up to these standards by doing your part to help enforce these guidelines. Together we can achieve this. Remember, many hands make the load light!
Please contact any leader within the Pack for questions or concerns regarding these guidelines.