Dens and Advancement
Each rank below will work on a specific set of adventures to earn rank (please see here for more information around advancement).
Lion Rank
The Lion Scout program is designed for youth in Kindergarten.
Each month, the Lion scouts will participate in 1-2 den meetings and a pack meeting (if the den chooses to attend).
Bobcat Rank
No matter what age or grade a youth joins Cub Scouting (exception: Kindergarten), they must earn their Bobcat Badge before they can advance to the rank of Tiger, Wolf, Bear, or Webelos. A youth must complete the Bobcat requirements, which include demonstrating their understanding of Scouting's core values. They must be able to recite the Scout Promise, Scout Law, and motto and demonstrate the Cub Scout sign, handshake, and salute. They must also explain what each of these ideals means, in addition to demonstrating their understanding of the core values of honesty and trustworthiness, and explaining their importance.
Tiger Rank/ Den
The Tiger Cub Scout program is for youth who have completed Kindergarten (or are age 7). After earning the Bobcat badge, a youth may earn the Tiger badge by completing 7 adventures involving simple physical and mental skills.
Each month Tiger Scouts generally have at least two to three den meetings (where one might be an outing) and a pack meeting.
Wolf Rank / Den
The Wolf Cub Scout program is for youth who have completed first grade (or are age 8). After earning the Bobcat badge, a youth may earn the Wolf badge by completing 7 adventures involving simple physical and mental skills.
Often, den meeting activities enable the Wolf Cub Scouts to complete requirements toward an award or rank. The parent can enter the information regarding the activities into, but it must also be approved by the den leader to indicate the requirement has been completed. The Den Chief helps lead the meetings. The Denners and Assistant Den Leaders lead Opening and Closing flag ceremonies and help with setup and cleanup.
After they have earned the Wolf badge, a youth is encouraged to work on additional elective adventures.
Bear Rank / Den
The Bear Cub Scout program is for youth who have completed second grade (or are age 9). After earning the Bobcat badge, a youth may earn the Bear badge by completing 7 adventures.
Often, den meeting activities enable the Bear Cub Scouts to complete requirements toward an award or rank. The parent can enter the information regarding the activities into, but it must also be approved by the den leader to indicate the requirement has been completed. The Den Chief helps lead the meetings. The Denners and Assistant Den Leaders lead Opening and Closing flag ceremonies and help with setup and cleanup.
After he has earned the Bear badge, a youth is encouraged to work on additional elective adventures.
Webelos Rank / Den
The Webelos Scout Program prepares youth who have completed third grade or are age 10 but have not yet completed fifth grade or reached age 11 1/2 to bridge into a troop. Pronounced "WEE-buh-los", the word "Webelos" means WE'll BE LOyal Scouts. After earning the Bobcat badge, a youth may earn the Webelos Badge and Arrow of Light Award. Shorter Webelos Scout Programs are available for Webelos who start in fifth grade to earn their Arrow of Light in as little as six months.
The Webelos Program is more challenging than Tiger, Wolf, and Bear programs for younger Cub Scouts. Webelos Scouts take part in Cub Scout pack meetings and activities as well as Webelos den meetings, activities, and outdoor fun.
Arrow of Light Rank
The highest award in Cub Scouting is the Webelos Arrow of Light award. It is the only Cub Scout badge that you can wear on your Boy Scout uniform. You will work on outdoor skills, physical fitness, and learn more about citizenship and working with others. Upon completion of Arrow of Light, you can bridge into a Boy Scout troop.