Fundraising & Scoutbucks
Pack 160 participates in the annual Popcorn Fundraiser starting in August. This is typically our one and only fundraiser held for the year to obtain necessary Pack financing. We ask all families to meet a specific fundraising goal which helps ensure the Pack has sufficient funds for the planned scouting year.
Pack 160 Scout Buck Program
What is a Scout Buck?
It is an individual Scout’s portion of designated profit earned from a Pack 160 fundraising event.
Who can earn Scout Bucks?
Any registered Pack 160 youth scout.
Where do Scout Bucks come from?
The Pack Committee decides prior to a fundraising event how the profit will be split, or if it will be split, between Scout Bucks and the Pack General Fund. For example it might be split on a 60/40 percentage, with 60% for the Pack and 40% for Scout Bucks. The pack fundraising chair will typically announce the split in terms of % Total Sales (ie. For the 2018 Popcorn fundraiser, we have granted 10% of total sales for Scout Bucks).
• Example: Popcorn Fundraiser – 10% Total Sales to Scout Bucks
• For every $10 sold, $1.00 will go to Scout Bucks.
(The granting of Scout Bucks is at the discretion of the Pack Committee.)
What is the purpose of Scout Bucks?
The purpose is to reward a Scout that participates in a fundraiser on an individual basis based on their efforts.
What can Scout Bucks be used for?
Scout Bucks can be used for:
1) any type of Scouting fee (camping, camporees, dues, pack sponsored overnights, etc);
2) Camping/hiking equipment that will be used for Scouting;
3) Scout Uniforms;
4) or any other item that the Cubmaster/Committee Chairperson approves.
How are Scout Bucks redeemed?
If a Scout wishes to use Scout Bucks for fees or dues, contact the Pack Treasurer directly. If a Scout wishes to use Scout Bucks for Scout Uniforms, Scout handbooks, or other scouting related items, bring the receipt to the Pack Treasurer and a check will be issued.
Redeeming Scout Bucks for any other purpose is at the sole discretion of the Cubmaster/Committee Chairperson. He will inform the Pack Treasurer of who should be receiving Scout Bucks and a check will be issued.
*Checks will never be issued in excess of a Scout’s Scout Bucks balance.
Who can redeem Scout Bucks?
Any Scout in good standing and who is active in the Pack.
What happens when a Scout leaves the Pack?
If a scout chooses to end his participation in scouting, all money reverts to the Pack General Fund. If a scout chooses to transfer to a different pack (who also has a Scout Bucks account), money can be transferred to the new Scout account within 3 months (otherwise, it reverts to the Pack General Fund).
This is not intended to be all-inclusive. The Pack Committee will review other matters regarding Scout Bucks and their use as needed.
Last revised: 2019-08-03