What does Scouting Cost?
It is the intent of the Boy Scouts of America to make scouting an affordable experience for every single youth who wants to join. We do our best to keep with this tradition in Pack 160. All of your Pack & Den leaders are volunteers. We do this because we love scouting, and want to see the scouts have a great experience. Many of our leaders were Boy or Girl Scouts as children, and have great memories that we want to pass along. The Daniel Webster Council is staffed by a team of paid professionals as well as volunteers.
Parent Volunteers
Because we are a volunteer run organization, we ask that parents help out as they can, at both Den events and Pack events. We cannot run a quality program without your help. If every parent helps out at one or two events through the year, we will be in great shape. If you are interested in doing more, we can always use more Den Leaders, Pack Leaders and Committee Members.
Yearly Registration Fee
Pack 160 charges a yearly registration fee that is set during the August planning meeting for the upcoming scouting year. This pays for insurance, Boys' Life magazine, all the awards we hand out, pinewood derby kits, pack owned equipment, pack hats, pack meeting supplies and to offset costs incurred by the Blue & Gold Banquet, camping and other activities. The yearly registration fee is due each October and checks should be made out to Pack 160. Scouts who participate in the popcorn and camp card fund raisers can earn “scout-bucks” to help pay for their registration fee.
Den Dues
Each Den sets their monthly dues. Den dues pay for materials and trips at the den level. Each parent can decide how to pay den dues, but we suggest that you use this opportunity to teach the scouts responsibility by having them pay their dues out of their allowance.
Special Events
Special events like Day Camp & Resident Camp cost extra since not every scout will participate. Camperships are available for families that demonstrate financial need. Please contact your den leader, cubmaster, or committee chair for more information.
Scouts and parents are responsible for purchasing the uniform. See the Uniform Fact Sheet for more information.
Fund Raisers & Scout-Bucks
Pack 160 sells popcorn each fall as part of the national Scouting popcorn sale. Scouts earn “Scout-Bucks” during fundraisers that go into their personal account. Scout-Bucks can be used for registration fees, camp, and other big events. Scouts get a % of total popcorn sales back as scoutbucks. It is very possible to pay for an entire year of scouting with Scout-Bucks earned during these fund raisers.
Friends of Scouting Campaign
The Daniel Webster Council holds an annual fund raising event where they approach both companies and individuals for donations. Once a year, a council representative will come to a pack meeting for this campaign. Friends of Scouting helps pay for the upkeep of our camping facilities and for camperships for scouts who otherwise could not afford to go to camp. Donating to the Friends of Scouting campaign is voluntary, but we ask that each family do what they can.