Camping and outdoor activities are an integral part of Scouting. We do our best to provide age appropriate outdoor experiences for the Cub Scouts & Webelos, preparing them for the serious camping they will do when they are older and in Scouts BSA. The older youth in Scouts have high adventure opportunities open to them including hiking through the mountains in New Mexico, white water rafting trips, and winter camping.
We are a little less adventuresome in Cub Scouts, but we try to give the scouts a healthy respect for the outdoors – and we have an absolute blast!!!!
Scouts can have some great camping experiences without the need for you to buy a lot of equipment. We are fortunate to have great camping facilities in the area owned by the Daniel Webster Council. Camp Carpenter in Manchester is where we do our family camping weekends, day camp, camp akela and resident camp. Carpenter has a fully equipped dining hall, tents & cots for the scouts. They do need to bring a sleeping bag or blankets. The Webelos (4th & 5th graders) have opportunities to camp with older Scout Troops in town. The Scouts BSA Troops own equipment, tents, etc. which they are happy to loan to us.
Typical Outdoor Activity & Camping Opportunities (Please see pack calendar for scheduled events)
- Family Camping at Camp Carpenter.
- Our Webelos have the opportunity to camp out with a local Scouts BSA troops at the Fall Camporee.
- Winter Carnival – This is a daylong activity for all scouts and their families. Sledding, snow fort building, model rocket launching, ice skating, etc, etc.
- Chuckwagon Derby – This is a daylong activity for all Cub Scouts to practice scouting skills. We complete against other Packs in Southern NH.
- Our Webelos have the opportunity to camp out with a local Boy Scout troop at the Spring Camporee.
- Family Camping at Camp Carpenter
June / July / August
- Cub Scout Day Camp – Crafts, Swimming, Archery, BB Guns, sports, campfire – an absolutely great time.
- Camp Akela. A 2 night, 3 day adventure for a parent and scout. – Swimming, boating, crafts, archery, BB guns, sports, campfires, etc. This is a great opportunity to check out Camp Carpenter.
- Cub Scout Resident Camp – A week of tent camping at Camp Carpenter. Swimming, boating, crafts, archery, BB guns, sports, campfires, etc. This is an experience the scouts will never forget.
The dens will have other outdoor den activities throughout the year (hikes, sledding, etc.)